The Budapest mission is coming! The third and final mission of REMOBILISE will take place between 15th and 17th of November, 2023 in Budapest, Hungary.…
EIT Urban Mobility and REMOBILISE – Joint Info Session In order to familiarize the REMOBILISE network and our partners with EIT Urban Mobility and its activities, we are organizing…
Save the Date announcement for the Budapest Mission of REMOBILISE! The third and final mission of REMOBILISE will take place between 15th and 17th of November, 2023 in Budapest, Hungary.
REMOBILISE Webinar: “Discovering the REMOBILISE Mobility Ecosystem” This webinar will delve into the rich mobility ecosystems of REMOBILISE partners. Revolving around major trends and challenges for the…
The Portugal mission is coming! The REMOBILISE project organizes its second mission, where the aim is the discovery of an ecosystem and its economic actors,…
Online event ‘Call for Actions to support uptakes of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects’ outcomes’ this event is organised by the Task Force on Accelerating Innovation Uptake for Sustainable Transport consisting of 9 CSA projects…
Cluster Managers’ Training Series #5: The Fundamentals of Design Thinking for Cluster Organizations The final session of the Cluster Managers’ Training Series will be held on Wednesday 25th January 2023 with the topic…
Our next training session: From Identification of Funding Lines to Successfully Writing a Proposal, 18th January, 2023 The third session will be held on Wednesday 18th January 2023 and focuses on the identification of funding lines to…
Next training session is coming: ‘Consortium building for new (EU) projects’ The “Consortium building” training on the 14th of December will empower you and your organization to better facilitate the sensitive…
Training session “ SCENARIO PLANNING: NEXT MOBILITY GENERATION” The REMOBILISE project will provide training and education activities for cluster managers to help to improve the skills of clustermanagers…