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Project Materials & Results

REMOBILISE Ecosystem Webinar: Zone Cluster: Battery production and strategy in Hungary
REMOBILISE Ecosystem Webinar: Zone Cluster: Battery production and strategy in Hungary

This webinar delved into the rich mobility ecosystems of REMOBILISE partners. Revolving around major trends and challenges for the sector, each cluster provided an insight into its own ecosystem and addressed a specific topic at the heart of its activities (Materials, Power electronics, Hydrogen, Smart Cities, Batteries).

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REMOBILISE Ecosystem Webinar: NextMove: Power Electronics
REMOBILISE Ecosystem Webinar: NextMove: Power Electronics

This webinar delved into the rich mobility ecosystems of REMOBILISE partners. Revolving around major trends and challenges for the sector, each cluster provided an insight into its own ecosystem and addressed a specific topic at the heart of its activities (Materials, Power electronics, Hydrogen, Smart Cities, Batteries).

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REMOBILISE Ecosystem Webinar: Cluster Mobility & Logistics: Hydrogen in Mobility
REMOBILISE Ecosystem Webinar: Cluster Mobility & Logistics: Hydrogen in Mobility

This webinar delved into the rich mobility ecosystems of REMOBILISE partners. Revolving around major trends and challenges for the sector, each cluster provided an insight into its own ecosystem and addressed a specific topic at the heart of its activities (Materials, Power electronics, Hydrogen, Smart Cities, Batteries).

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REMOBILISE Ecosystem Webinar: Mobinov – Smart Cities
REMOBILISE Ecosystem Webinar: Mobinov – Smart Cities

This webinar delved into the rich mobility ecosystems of REMOBILISE partners. Revolving around major trends and challenges for the sector, each cluster provided an insight into its own ecosystem and addressed a specific topic at the heart of its activities (Materials, Power electronics, Hydrogen, Smart Cities, Batteries).

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REMOBILISE Ecosystem Webinar: RAI Automotive Industry NL – Materials
REMOBILISE Ecosystem Webinar: RAI Automotive Industry NL – Materials

This webinar delved into the rich mobility ecosystems of REMOBILISE partners. Revolving around major trends and challenges for the sector, each cluster provided an insight into its own ecosystem and addressed a specific topic at the heart of its activities (Materials, Power electronics, Hydrogen, Smart Cities, Batteries).


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REMOBILISE Training Session: Urban Mobility trends
REMOBILISE Training Session: Urban Mobility trends

The Porto mission of REMOBILISE concluded with an extensive training session on the topic of Urban Mobility trends and opportunities, delivered by the Porto Business School.

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REMOBILISE Training Session: Urban Mobility Trends – part 2
REMOBILISE Training Session: Urban Mobility Trends – part 2

Here you can find the second part of the presentation ‘Urban Mobility trends’, delivered during the Porto mission of REMOBILISE.

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REMOBILISE Training Session: Urban Mobility Trends – part 3
REMOBILISE Training Session: Urban Mobility Trends – part 3

Here you can find the third part of the presentation ‘Urban Mobility trends’, delivered during the Porto mission of REMOBILISE.

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REMOBILISE Training Session: Building partnerships-positioning champions in various EU proposals
REMOBILISE Training Session: Building partnerships-positioning champions in various EU proposals

This training session focused on the general introduction of European Union projects, the various steps to participate in such projects, and the best tactics to find partners and build a consortium.

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REMOBILISE Training session: Cascade Funding by FundingBox
REMOBILISE Training session: Cascade Funding by FundingBox

Cascade Funding is a fair and transparent method of distributing financial resources to startups and SMEs (beneficiaries) through a system of open calls for proposals managed by the consortium which acts as a intermediary between the beneficiaries and the granter – European Commission.

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REMOBILISE Training Session #5 – Fundamentals of Design Thinking for Cluster Organizations
REMOBILISE Training Session #5 – Fundamentals of Design Thinking for Cluster Organizations

On the 25th of January from 14:00 CET Zone Cluster organized a 2-hour online workshop with the topic ’Fundamentals of Design Thinking for Cluster Organizations’. The aim of the session was to familiarize the participants with the basic theoretical background of design thinking and provide them hands-on experience while using some of its tools in practice, for example when working on new services for their members.

The first part of the session focused on the theoretical background of design thinking. Participants learned what design thinking means, what are the benefits, and how this methodology/mindset works. They also briefly explored the different stages of design thinking: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test, and implement; the presenters emphasized that this is not a linear process and sometimes you have to go back to certain steps.

Following the theoretical introduction of the topic, participants formed two groups and worked separately on the given problem area, namely how they could make their services more diverse for their SME members. A Miro board was created for the groups to work on the exercises. These exercises helped them to understand their ”users” better and start to think about the problem using the tools of design thinking. The different phases described above were followed, but due to the time limitations of the session, only the first two phases (empathize and define) were discussed in detail.

Following the session, a feedback form was distributed among the participants to collect feedback. Participants overall found the session useful and interesting, although given the time limit, they mentioned that it would have been great to have a bit more time and explore this methodology in more detail.

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REMOBILISE Training Session #4: From identification of funding lines to successfully writing a proposal
REMOBILISE Training Session #4: From identification of funding lines to successfully writing a proposal

On Wednesday 18th January 2023 Cluster Mobility & Logistics organised a virtual training session focused on the identification of funding lines to successfully writing a proposal.

It was an interactive training session that showed cluster and project managers

  • how to scan the funding program landscape
  • how to develop a mature project idea
  • how to write a successful proposal
  • the do’s and don’ts in a proposal

In the workshop part participants could get to know the writer inside of them better and revise a text excerpt.

In summary, the “Proposal” training empowered participants to better navigate the delicate process of identifying suitable funding lines for your project and then writing a successful proposal.

You missed the training? No problem, check the recording here.

You can also find the training material on the REMOBILISE website!


The REMOBILISE project will provide training and education activities for cluster managers to help to improve the skills of clustermanagers and their teams, in order to increase the impact and the benefits for cluster members, with a focus on SMEs. The cluster  managers and staff members from all European cluster  organisations are welcome to join the trainings and will benefit from coaching sessions proposed by the experts within the clusters, as well as from mutual learning between the organisations.

Each session will be held by the REMOBILISE cluster organisation with expertise in the respective area, in form of webinars or workshops.

The REMOBILISE consortium is composed of 5 European clusters, based on a fair balance between competences, expertise and maturity levels, both at organisational and regional levels. The Cluster Mobility & Logistics, located in the TechBase Regensburg, is part of the international consortium.

About the organiser Cluster Mobility & Logistics

The technology network for mobility and logistics             

In the age of electromobility and IT logistics, we work with our partners and members to find intelligent answers to upcoming social and technological challenges. We support in securing existing competitive advantages and creating new ones. Through broad networking, mediation of project partners, contacts to international networks and the initiation and promotion of research projects, we sustainably shape the innovation fields of mobility and logistics. A special feature of the cluster is the interdisciplinary setup of its partners and members from the mobility and logistics sectors. Science and research are an essential part of this. Primary goal as a technology cluster is to build projects that we promote and advance through the networking of our network partners. The Cluster Mobility & Logistics based in the TechBase Regensburg is managed by R-Tech GmbH, a subsidiary of the city of Regensburg.

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REMOBILISE Training Session #3: Consortium Building
REMOBILISE Training Session #3: Consortium Building

The third session was held on Wednesday 14th December and was focused on Consortium building for new (EU) projects, led by RAI Automotive Industry NL.

The “Consortium building” training empowers you and your organization to better facilitate the sensitive process of building consortia in an accelerated and unpredictable world. The training focuses on your role as a cluster as initiator, booster and guardian of the process.

Some of the questions that were discussed during the training:

  • Who takes and what is the first step?
  • How to approach the correct companies in order to build a consortium?
  • How does the process towards a grant application look like?
  • Who is in the lead to write the application, how to define this choice?
  • Communication is key: how do you organize correct internal and external communication with different stakeholders?

This program was designed to improve the participants skillset and toolbox in strategic foresight allowing them to improve the competitive positioning of organizations and use these as inputs to identify new growth opportunities, foster strategic agility, and design innovation strategies and projects.


  • Recognize and fulfill your role and use your position to be better prepared for future challenges and new opportunities.
  • Build and explore scenarios for future consortia, combining them with strategic tools and agility.
  • Build your organizational capability to address and act under uncertainty. This session will help you to see more clearly!
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On Wednesday 7th December 2022 MOBINOV organised a virtual training session focused on Scenario Planning: Next mobility generation with a duration of 1h30.

The aim of the session was to empower all participants to better understand the past, improve decision-making in the present and embrace your preferred future in an accelerated and unpredictable world. This workshop was designed to improve the participants skillset and toolbox in strategic foresight allowing them to improve the competitive positioning of organizations and use these as inputs to identify new growth opportunities, foster strategic agility, and design innovation strategies and projects.

In the first part of the session, the general Director presented the theory part, where he explained what consists Scenario Planning and all the concepts. Also, it was presented a tool named Strategic Intelligence to explore and monitor the issues and forces driving transformational change across economies, industries, and global issues.

In the second part of the session, the participants were divided into groups to carry out the practical part of the workshop. We used the Miro tool for the execution of this activity, and Fernando Machado explained what it consisted of, what the process was and what the objective was.

First, each group had to complete the Scenario development process, starting by identifying as driving forces of the current moment and categorising them into Megatrends, Trends, Weak Signals, Wildcards, and Uncertainties. After this each group had to take the critical uncertainties, this mean driving forces that point to alternative and contrasting evolutions. Each group classify them between level of impact and level of uncertainty. The last phase on this process was to develop 4 plausible scenarios. In the end, trainer give an example already done to the participants so they could synthetically explored the implications and strategic options derived from the scenarios constructed. The results of the scenarios for the future of mobility 2030 were:

1 – Big Jump

2 – Personalization

3 – Digital Rural

4 – Old Normal

During the discussions, the participants had different opinions regarding the 4 possible scenarios due to the different realities of mobility in their countries.

To conclude the session, all participants spoke about the importance of using this methodology in their clusters to be aware of trends and possible future scenarios.

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REMOBILISE Training Session #1 – Financing innovation and internationalisation support
REMOBILISE Training Session #1 – Financing innovation and internationalisation support

The first session was organised by the project partner NextMove during the onsite Paris cluster mission and took place on the morning of 9th November 2022 : the two topics treated were financing members’ innovation, as well as the internationalisation support.

The two main questions guiding the discussions were, indeed, “How to identify the right EU ressources to finance innovation? And “How to accelerate the export and internationalization of cluster members?”


NextMove proposed an intervention on Building collaborative Horizon Europe projects through interclustering, with a focus on the following elements:

  • Project impact, a strengthened criteria
  • Structure and funding opportunities on automotive, mobility, energy & ICT
  • Key networks

The second intervention was held by NextMove’ French partner Business France, a national organisation supporting the export of French companies worldwide, on the topic of international development of French businesses and foreign investments in France, which lead to very interesting discussions around the main target countries of cluster members during the last year and potential collaboration opportunities on common international events/fairs for the next year.

Two working groups have then be organised, in order to allow the participants to have informal discussions and exchanges on the two matters evoked in the interventions.

Within the first group around “Innovation” participants discussed on the best strategies to build consortia for Horizon Europe projects : most of them reach their major stakeholders/members, which are strongly integrated into European innovation ecosystems, before looking for technological bricks with SMEs and start-ups for instance. These major stakeholders are not only the big industrials but also research centres/academics, able to provide concepts and to identify missing pieces in consortia. Our role as a cluster is then to find those missing organizations, and also make sure project concepts fit the specific call for proposals targeted. However, it is important to underline that each cluster must act depending on its capabilities. Different tools are used by clusters that can’t rely on major players integrated into EU networks, such as the „partner research tool” available on the Funding & Tenders portal.

Within the second group, focused on “Internationalisation” the participants have underlined the trend that have characterized the last years, of a growing focus on Europe as destination for business matters of cluster members, especially Germany and France, common target countries to all partners around the table. Two main potential interesting events have been identified in order to collaborate in 2023 and build contacts among our members’ networks : the Hannover Messe and IAA Mobility, which will both take place in Germany.

In term of ideas of activities which could be proposed, in order to increase the impact of this common participation, a proposition has been done around the concept of Reverse Pitches: where the local actors would present the needs and gaps to the visiting delegation, in order to find points for business agreements . The use of an hybrid format has also been underlined as essential, in order to include also companies for Ukraine, which, in this complicated geo-political period, have more difficulties to take part to travels and missions.

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REMOBILISE Training Session #1 – Financing innovation and internationalisation support – Second presentation
REMOBILISE Training Session #1 – Financing innovation and internationalisation support – Second presentation

Here you can find attached the second presentation of the first REMOBILISE training session – Financing innovation and internationalisation support

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Midterm Report on the Implementation of Joint Activities regarding ClusterXchange
Midterm Report on the Implementation of Joint Activities regarding ClusterXchange

This report will show the advancement of REMOBILISE ClusterXchange exchanges after one year of implementing the actions: activities, matching relationships, problems encountered, solutions implemented, and resources spent.

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Training Material „Fundamentals of Design Thinking for Cluster Organizations”
Training Material „Fundamentals of Design Thinking for Cluster Organizations”

These slides were used during the 5th session of the Cluster Managers’ Training Series, that took place on the 25th of January 2023 online. The session was led by the Zone Cluster team.

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Training Material „From identifying funding lines to successfully writing a proposal”
Training Material „From identifying funding lines to successfully writing a proposal”

This document was used during the 4th session of the Cluster Managers’ Training Series, that took place on the 18th of January 2023. The session was led by the Cluster Mobility and Logistics team.

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Communication Plan to engage Scaling-up support organizations
Communication Plan to engage Scaling-up support organizations

The Communication Plan to engage scaling-up support organizations describes the marketing and outreach activities of the REMOBILISE project to involve scaling-up support organizations in the project activities and connect them with SMEs. The document includes the description of the target group, the aim of the communication activities, the communication tools that are used, and the monitoring of the activity.

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Report on skill assessment
Report on skill assessment

In the first three months of the project 27 consultations have been conducted to receive an overview of the cluster members needs but also to have a first rating of our cluster services and therefore skills. Taking the report D2.1 on these as a baseline we could now assess our skills and find gaps between the members needs and cluster skills. To not only find these gaps but also reveal the areas in which the clusters have their expertise and in which areas they can learn from each other a matrix was created. This report provides pathways for T2.3 in which a strategy will be defined to improve our cluster managers skills through mutual training and learning.

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Training session slides on Cascade funds for Startups and SMEs
Training session slides on Cascade funds for Startups and SMEs

This slide deck was presented during the first training session organized by the REMOBILISE project on June 2nd, 2022.

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Concept note on pitch sessions methodology
Concept note on pitch sessions methodology

In the framework of WP4 dedicated to Leveraging collaboration activities for clusters, members and scaling-up support organizations the REMOBILISE partners will propose various C2C and B2B matchmaking collaboration activities, to support our members in their development, notably in the identification of the rights partners and/or potential customers and establish concrete business relations and joint projects on the international level.

In order to support even prior to these matchmaking activities, the REMOBILISE consortium prepared a short concept not summarizing the “tips” to develop a successful pitch presentation, as well as presenting the various methodologies that could be used according to the context and the audience.

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Report on Analysis of the needs
Report on Analysis of the needs

This publication puts forward the headlines of the regional consultations led by the partner clusters of the REMOBILISE project, with their member SMEs, scaling-up support organizations, public/regional authorities, knowledge institutions and civil organizations gathering insights of pains, gains, drivers and barriers concerning the development of green and friendly technologies for city ecosystems. These 27 consultations provide pathways for progress when it will come to improvement of cluster management capabilities to improve the member’s skills to be more competitive and to be able to deliver innovative
sustainable technologies for cities.

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