Training Session ‘Consortium Building for new (EU) projects’ on the 14th of December
Location: Online
Date and time: Wednesday 14th December 10h-12h
Price: Free
Participants: All organisations from the mobility and related sectors
Trainer: RAI Automotive Industry NL
RAI Automotive Industry NL is the leading authority in Dutch automotive manufacturing and supply chain industry, focusing on global automotive and mobility solutions by joining forces with industry members and stakeholders and acting as a catalyst in the fields of innovation and education.
The REMOBILISE project will provide training and education activities for cluster managers to help to improve the skills of clustermanagers and their teams, in order to increase the impact and the benefits for cluster members, with a focus on SMEs. The cluster managers and staff members from all European cluster organisations are welcome to join the trainings and will benefit from coaching sessions proposed by the experts within the clusters, as well as from mutual learning between the organisations.
Each session will be held by the REMOBILISE cluster organisation with expertise in the respective area, in form of webinars or workshops.
The third session will be held on Wednesday 14th December and will be focused on Consortium building for new (EU) projects.
The “Consortium building” training will empower you and your organization to better facilitate the sensitive process of building consortia in an accelerated and unpredictable world. The training will focus on your role as a cluster as initiator, booster and guardian of the process.
Some of the questions we would like to discuss are:
- Who takes and what is the first step?
- How to approach the correct companies in order to build a consortium?
- How does the process towards a grant application look like?
- Who is in the lead to write the application, how to define this choice?
- Communication is key: how do you organize correct internal and external communication with different stakeholders?
This program is designed to improve the participants skillset and toolbox in strategic foresight allowing them to improve the competitive positioning of organizations and use these as inputs to identify new growth opportunities, foster strategic agility, and design innovation strategies and projects.
- Recognize and fulfill your role and use your position to be better prepared for future challenges and new opportunities.
- Build and explore scenarios for future consortia, combining them with strategic tools and agility.
- Build your organizational capability to address and act under uncertainty. This session will help you to see more clearly!